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- From: gnat@kauri.vuw.ac.nz (Nathan Torkington)
- Newsgroups: alt.fan.douglas-adams,news.answers
- Subject: alt.fan.douglas-adams FAQ
- Message-ID: <douglas-adams-FAQ_724330800@kauri.vuw.ac.nz>
- Date: 14 Dec 92 11:00:16 GMT
- Sender: news@comp.vuw.ac.nz (News Admin)
- Reply-To: douglas-adams-faq@vuw.ac.nz
- Followup-To: alt.fan.douglas-adams
- Organization: Dept. of Comp. Sci., Victoria Uni. of Wellington, New Zealand.
- Lines: 570
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Supersedes: <douglas-adams-FAQ_723121200@kauri.vuw.ac.nz>
- Nntp-Posting-Host: kauri.vuw.ac.nz
- Originator: gnat@kauri.vuw.ac.nz
- Archive-name: douglas-adams-FAQ
- Maintained-by: douglas-adams-faq@vuw.ac.nz <Nathan Torkington>
- ----------------------------------------
- Buy "Don't Panic" by Neil Gaiman. It is the best guide to 'The Guide'
- that is around. Relevant details are :
- TITLE: Don't Panic
- SUBTITLE: The Official Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Companion
- AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman
- PUBLISHER: Titan Books Ltd,
- 58 St Giles High St
- London WC2H 8LH.
- PAGES: 182pp.
- ISBN: 1-85286-013-8
- PRICE: UK price L3.95.
- (with appropriate salaams to Scott Telford (s.telford@ed.ac.uk) for
- kindly posting this data so that we may all benefit from his great
- knowledge and wisdom)
- There is allegedly a new edition of this, in the works. Stay tuned.
- ----------------------------------------
- This is the list of frequently asked questions (and their answers) for
- the newsgroup alt.fan.douglas-adams. There is biographical
- information about Douglas Adams, a list of his books and their ISBN
- numbers, as well as information about his boks and other fun stuff.
- Where possible, pointers to existing information (such as books,
- magazine articles, and ftp sites) are included here, rather than
- rehashing that information again. Information is provided without
- guarantee -- if you get stung using any of the information provided
- here, or send off your personal fortune and are stuck, then I accept
- no blame or responsibility. It's your own damn fault.
- If you haven't already done so, now is as good a time as any to read
- the guide to Net etiquette which is posted to news.announce.newusers
- regularly. You should be familiar with acronyms like FAQ, FTP and
- IMHO, as well as know about smileys, followups and when to reply to
- email to postings.
- This FAQ is currently posted to news.answers and alt.fan.pratchett.
- All posts to news.answers are archived, and it is possible to retrieve
- the last posted copy via anonymous FTP from pit-manager.mit.edu as
- /pub/usenet/alt.fan.douglas-adams/douglas-adams-FAQ. Those without
- FTP access should send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with "send
- usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body to find out how to do
- FTP by e-mail.
- This FAQ was mostly written by Nathan Torkington, with numerous
- contributions by readers of alt.fan.douglas-adams. Comments and
- indications of doubt are enclosed in []s in the text. Each section
- begins with forth dashes ("-") on a line of their own, then the
- section number. This should make searching for a specific section
- easy.
- Contributions, comments and changes should be directed to
- douglas-adams-faq@vuw.ac.nz
- ----------------------------------------
- List of Answers
- 1 Biographical Information
- 1.1 Who the heck is Douglas Adams
- 1.2 What's this about the barrister?
- 2 Bibliographical Information
- 2.1 What are the books about?
- 2.2 Hitchhiker's Guide Series
- 2.3 Dirk Gently Series
- 2.4 Liff Books
- 2.5 Other Books
- 2.6 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
- 2.7 Dr Who and Douglas Adams
- 3 Douglas Adams and Computers
- 3.1 Macintoshes
- 3.2 Computer Games
- 3.3 Magazine Articles
- 3.4 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
- 4 Mechandising
- 4.1 Audio Tapes
- 4.2 Albums
- 4.3 CDs
- 4.4 Videos
- 4.5 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
- 4.5 The Order of Everything
- 5 Explanations
- 5.1 The Ending to "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"
- 5.2 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
- 6 Miscellaneous
- 6.1 Stuff
- 6.2 Number Games
- 6.3 Other Authors
- 6.4 The Future
- 6.5 Related Electronic Information
- ----------------------------------------
- 1 Biographical Information
- In this section you will find information on Douglas Adams. The
- information isn't very detailed, because of (a) a desire to respect
- his privacy, and (b) you might as well buy "Don't Panic" anyway (see
- the very start of the file for information on Don't Panic).
- ----------------------------------------
- 1.1 Who the heck is Douglas Adams
- Douglas Noel Adams (DNA) was born in 1952. [Anything else we need to
- know?]
- ----------------------------------------
- 1.2 What's this about the barrister?
- After nearly a decade of saying in his blurbs that he was nearly
- married to a lady barrister, on November 25 1991 Douglas Adams and
- Jane Belson tied the knot in a quiet ceremony at Finsbury town hall in
- London. Bad luck, ladies. They will live in Islington.
- ----------------------------------------
- 2 Bibliographical Information
- In this section you will find descriptions of DNA's books, the
- information you need to order any of them, and information about
- Douglas Adams writing for Dr Who (not really *bibliographic*
- information, but what are you going to do - kick down my door and
- shoot me?).
- The entries are in this format: %T means title, %A means author, %I
- means imprint, %D means date, %I means ISBN number and %Z means a
- comment.
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.1 What are the books about?
- Buy them and find out. Essentially, all the "Hitchhiker's Guide To
- the Galaxy" series form a trilogy in five parts about one man's
- travels through the universe after (and before) the Earth is
- accidentally destroyed. These have been reissued in various forms.
- The Dirk Gently books form a loosely-bound detective series.
- The Liff books are dictionaries of words, giving means to words which
- previously spend their lives loitering about at the top of signposts,
- and giving words to meanings which needed them. "Deeper" is an
- expanded form of "Liff", with somem definitions changed, and others
- omitted all-together.
- "Last Chance To See" tells of his trip around the world, looking for
- endangered species. Very funny, and very serious.
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.2 Hitchhiker's Guide Series
- %T The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T Life, The Universe and Everything
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T So Long, and Thanks for All The Fish
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T Mostly Harmless
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T The Complete Radio Scripts
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %Z The radio series scripts (not part of the trilogy).
- %T The Hitchhiker's Trilogy
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %Z A collection of the first three books.
- %T The Hitchhiker's Omnibus
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %Z A collection of the first four books.
- %T The More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %Z The first four books, with the short story "Young Zaphod Plays It
- %Z Safe". [Is this the Compleat?]
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.3 Dirk Gently Series
- %T Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul
- %A Douglas Adams
- %D
- %C
- %I
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.4 Liff Books
- %T The Meaning of Liff
- %A Douglas Adams and John Lloyd
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T The Deeper Meaning of Liff
- %A Douglas Adams and John Lloyd
- %D
- %C
- %I
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.5 Other Books
- %T Last Chance to See
- %A Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine
- %D
- %C
- %I
- %T The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book
- %A Douglas Adams and Peter Fincham (editors)
- %D 1986
- %C Fontana
- %I
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.6 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
- The short-story "Young Zaphod Plays it Safe" originally appeared in
- "The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book", edited by
- Douglas Adams and Peter Fincham. It was published by Fontana in Great
- Britain in 1986. The story also appeared in the "More Than Complete
- Hitchhiker's Guide".
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.7 Dr Who and Douglas Adams
- Douglas (co)authored the shows "City of Death", "The Pirate Planet"
- and "Shada". Shada was never screened. City of Death and Shada were
- worked over and became "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency".
- He also wrote a treatment (plot synopsis) for a film called "Dr Who
- and the Krikkitmen". It was never made into either a film or a TV
- show, but most of the pertinent plot points reappeared in "Life, The
- Universe and Everything."
- "Shada" was finally released on video on 6/6/1992. [Order info?]
- ----------------------------------------
- 3 Douglas Adams and Computers
- DNA definitely has a close association with computers. Here you will
- find about his love for Macintoshes, computer games he has (and
- hasn't) written, and computer magazine articles he has authored.
- ----------------------------------------
- 3.1 Macintoshes
- Douglas Adams likes Macintoshes, and at one stage lived with one in
- Islington (see the dedication to [?]). He says that computer have
- completely changed the way he writes (he has gone from avoiding
- writing by finding food to eat, to avoiding writing by reconfiguring
- his Macintosh's operating system).
- ----------------------------------------
- 3.2 Computer Games
- With Infocom's Steve Meretzky (who no longer works for Infocom after
- their takeover by Mediagenic), he wrote "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the
- Galaxy" adventure game. "Bureaucracy" was credited to "Douglas Adams
- and The Staff of Infocom" - there were lots of Infocom people involved
- (Jeff O'Neill, Dave Lebling, Fred Morgan and others).
- The end sequence to the game "Hitchhiker's Guide" mentions a second
- game called "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", but this game
- doesn't exist. Douglas Adams started to write it, as because
- "Bureaucracy" had poor sales, Adams and Infocom dropped the project.
- Infocom tried to revive the project later, but the virtual death of
- Infocom in 1990 brought this idea to an end.
- Douglas Adams also started work on another game, where the emphasis
- was to be on creating a virtual reality in the adventure, but petered
- out after his partner lost interest.
- Meretzky is still writing computer adventure games for "Legend
- Entertainment". Infocom only exists as a label for Activision, the
- company having been closed in 1989. The games are available from
- Virgin Mastertronic in "Infocom From Mastertonic" (a budget games
- house in the UK). Their address is :
- Customer Services
- Virgin Mastertronic Ltd
- 16 Portland Road
- London W11 2LA
- Tel: 071 - 727 8070
- It is also included in a package of 20 games called "The Lost
- Treasures of Infocom", released by Activision. "Bureaucracy" is
- available in "The Lost Treasures of Infocom II", also by Activision.
- These packages should be orderable or purchasable from any decent
- computer store :-)
- ----------------------------------------
- 3.3 Magazine Articles
- A Review of Microsoft Word for the Macintosh [?]
- MacUser Magazine
- September 1987
- Page 144.
- The Woes of SCSI Chaining
- Personal Macintosh column
- MacUser Magazine
- [when?]
- ----------------------------------------
- 3.4 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
- See section 4.5
- ----------------------------------------
- 4 Mechandising
- There are lots of merchandised products around. Here you fill find
- where to order the cassette tapes, albums, CDs and video from.
- ----------------------------------------
- 4.1 Audio Tapes
- The canonical address is:
- BBC World Service Mail Order
- Room LG26 NE
- Bush House
- Strand
- London WC2B 4PH
- Tel: +44 71 257 2575
- Fax: +44 71 497 0498
- The price, for a box set of 6 audio tapes is #21.70 (British pounds).
- ----------------------------------------
- 4.2 Albums
- In the autumn of 1979, a double record album was released, which was a
- slightly contracted version of the first four episodes of the radio
- series. These were new recordings of essentially the same scripts.
- In the autumn of 1980, a second album was made, consisting of a
- rewritten and expanded version of radio episodes 5 and 6. This was
- called _The Restaurant at the End of the Universe_.
- You can obtain the albums from:
- Intergalactic Trading Co.
- P.O. Box 1516
- Longwood, FL 32750
- (407) 831-8344
- their catalog is $2, and the albums cost $10 ($5 each).
- ----------------------------------------
- 4.3 CDs
- The canonical address is:
- BBC World Service Mail Order
- Room LG26 NE
- Bush House
- Strand
- London WC2B 4PH
- Tel: +44 71 257 2575
- Fax: +44 71 497 0498
- The price, for a box set of 6 CDs is #34.76 (British pounds).
- ----------------------------------------
- 4.4 Videos
- [?]
- ----------------------------------------
- 4.5 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
- Featuring Douglas Adams reading the voice, information on the animals
- by Mark Carwardine, numerous photographs. Available for the Mac only.
- [Order info?]
- ----------------------------------------
- 4.5 The Order of Everything
- 1978: Fits 1-6 of the radio series were aired.
- : Fit 7 (The Christmas Episode) aired.
- 1979: Pan Books releases "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The
- Galaxy" book in Britain (expanded Fits 1-4).
- : Double album released (contracted Fits 1-4).
- 1980: Fits 8-12 of the radio series were aired.
- : Pan Books releases "Restaurant at the End of the
- Universe" in Britain (contracted Fits 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 11, 12, 5 and 6).
- : Harmony Books releases the first book in the United
- States.
- : Second record album recorded (expanded Fits 5 and 6).
- 1981: Six television episodes aired by the BBC, based on
- Fits 1-6 (used revisions made in the books).
- 1982: Harmony Books releases the second book in the
- United States.
- 1982: "Life the Universe and Everything" released
- simultaneously in Britain and the United States.
- 1984: "So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish" released
- simultaneously in Britain and the United States.
- 1986: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" computer game released.
- 199?: "Last Chance to See" released.
- 199?: "Last Chance to See" CD-ROM released.
- 1992: "Mostly Harmless" released.
- ----------------------------------------
- 5 Explanations
- Not all of DNA's writing is easily grasped. This section includes
- explanations of some of the trickier sections.
- ----------------------------------------
- 5.1 The Ending to "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"
- From: bhack@mundil.cs.mu.OZ.AU (Brendan Hack)
- Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1991 23:08:13 GMT
- First of all you need to know something about Coleridge. There was
- never a second part of the poem _Kubla Khan_. Yet, at the end of
- Chapter 6 when The Director Of English Studies is reading _Kubla
- Khan_ the book says `The voice (that of the director of english
- studies) continues, reading the second, and altogether strange
- part of the poem.'
- In the book, _Kubla Khan_ has a second part. The book is not
- actually set in our existence. It is set in an existence in which
- the second part of _Kubla Khan_ exists. This second part of the
- poem tells the ghost about the existence of the time machine and
- how to travel back and stop the ship from exploding. As we well
- know the explosion of the ship is what caused life to begin on
- this miserable little planet of ours. When Dirk and Reg realised
- this they simply went forward in time to when Coleridge was
- writing the second part of _Kubla Khan_ and stopped him. Dirk just
- interrupted him and talked so much that Coleridge forgot what the
- second part was going to be about and therefore could not finish
- it! This change of history sent reality back into our perspective
- and the human race lived on (Yay, yippee!).
- Quite simple really.
- ----------------------------------------
- 5.2 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
- [?]
- ----------------------------------------
- 6 Miscellaneous
- This section has stuff that didn't really fit anywhere else.
- ----------------------------------------
- 6.1 Stuff
- The phrase "the long dark teatime of the soul" appears in Chapter 1 of
- "Life, The Universe and Everything". Wowbagger the Infinitely
- Prolonged is described as being eventually ground down by the Sunday
- afternoons, and "as you stare at the clock the hands will move
- relentlessly on to four o'clock, and you will enter the long dark
- teatime of the soul."
- If you ring the Islington telephone number, you will get some people
- who have nothing to do with Douglas Adams and who are very annoyed.
- Don't do it.
- Arthur plays Dire Straits' "Tunnel of Love" from their "Making Movies"
- album to Fenchurch, in "So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish".
- ----------------------------------------
- 6.2 Number Games
- Yes, 6 times 9 equals 54. Yes, 6 times 9 equals 42 in base thirteen,
- and we don't want to know about the implications for the number of
- fingers on cavemen.
- The bit about monkeys was a reference to someone's comment that if you
- get an infinite number of monkeys at typewriters, eventually one will
- bash out a script to Hamlet. If you want to discuss probability,
- quantum physics or anything else that has nothing to do with Douglas
- Adams, bugger off to another group.
- ----------------------------------------
- 6.3 Other Authors
- If you like Douglas Adams' writing, you might appreciate books by:
- * Neil Gaiman
- * Terry Pratchett
- * Tom Sharpe
- * P J O'Rourke
- * P G Wodehouse
- * Tom Holt
- ... but I offer no guarantees.
- ----------------------------------------
- 6.4 The Future
- Having just released "Mostly Harmless", Douglas Adams says he wants to
- do a TV series about the Universe and the stuff in it. He estimates
- this will run around 12 episodes in length.
- There is a video called "The Making of the Hitchhiker's Guide" in
- progress, featuring all the original actors. They even found Marvin's
- costume in a box in the BBC.
- ----------------------------------------
- 6.5 Related Electronic Information
- PGG (Project Galactic Guide for long) accepts entries on real-life
- subjects, as well as unreal-life subjects. A reader for the guide is
- available, as vela.acs.oakland.edu:/pub/swbaker/guide.zip Don't forget
- binary mode, ftp outside of business hours and contact
- swbaker@vela.acs.oakland.edu if you have any questions.
- Check out the newsgroup alt.galactic-guide, where PGG is alleged
- to be happening. The person to contact is the Editor-In-Chief,
- Supreme-God-Over-All-Beings and Leader-of-The-Hack, Paul Clegg
- (cleggp@aix.rpi.edu). After long and protracted discussions on
- which format is best for this, a decision was reached and I wasn't
- interested enough to record it for posterity. Contact Paul for
- information.
- There is also a paper-based list, maintained by David Hodges. It
- is used to raise money for charity and has been approved by
- Douglas Adams. You can buy copies (for charity), it is very
- large, and would be tremendously illegal (and most would find it
- immoral) to put on the net. Contributions to this can be sent to
- alm@doc.ic.ac.uk (remember to say they're for David Hodges as this
- isn't his account).
- ----------------------------------------